Prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer in the Brazilian Unified Health System.

Mayara Larissa Moura de Souza, Isabela Vicência Menezes Castelo Branco, Fátima Cristina Mendes Matos, Bartolomeu Cavalcanti Melo Júnior, Aurora Karla de Lacerda Vidal


Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the world, with oral cancer being one of the most common subgroups. In Brazil, oral cancer has high rates of morbidity and mortality, especially when diagnosed late. In this study, two cases of people who sought and obtained early diagnosis and treatment are reported in the Brazilian Unified Health System. The patients presented the habit of smoking and / or alcoholism and were referred to the Dental Service of the Oncology Center of the Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital for the evaluation of lesions with suspected malignancy. All signed a Free and Informed Consent Form, consenting the disclosure of their cases for academic purposes. On clinical examination, the first case presented an exophytic lesion with mulberry-like appearance, normal coloration, painless, on floor and lingual brake. After biopsy, he presented a diagnosis of Moderately Differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinoma, “in situ”. In the second case, leukoplasia areas were identified, painless affecting the tongue and the oral floor. After biopsy, the histopathological diagnosis was compatible with the clinical diagnosis of leukoplakia without areas of malignancy. All patients had their treatment made possible by the head and neck team and dental surgeons at the Hospital and are still being followed up with no signs of illness. Early and adequate intervention after the detection of suspected injuries is a decisive factor for the cure and quality of life of the patient and should be routine in public services in Brazil.




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